Sunday, March 20, 2016

Hi All,
I apologize for not posting in so long.  Life responsibilities...

I do want to share something I discovered years ago that I recently returned to as part of a "construction" theme at a school I currently work at.
Packing peanuts:  But the biodegradable kind. You find them in packages from Amazon, etc.  You can also purchase a big bag of them at Staples.  They are made of a wheat paste and will dissolve if you submerge them in water.  Actually, a cool science experiment.

However, to construct with them, all you need is a dab of water on your finger applied to the end of the packing peanut.  The water acts like glue and they stick to each other to create all kinds of structures; people, towers, animals, vehicles.

If you want to add toothpicks, you don't need the water.  Experiment and see which method you prefer.

Dab of water

     Using toothpicks

My creations

Have fun!